How to purpose girl in different way || RUNFORTAKE

Hello guys, welcome to our blog, I hope you are absolutely well and fine. Today we talk about how to purpose a girl in a different way. Most boys or girls are a one-sided lover but they don’t know how to purpose to him/her but don’t worry today I will give you a proper way or some tips to purpose your boy or girl. Then let’s start …


One-sided love is always a complicated thing ever, in this condition person can’t say their feelings to their love and they also can’t stay to talk to him/her. Then dear friends don’t worry I will help you…

1.       Respect him/her

Any The relationship's main factor is respect. When you respect someone then someone respects you. If you are one side lover then always respect your girl and her decisions. Girls like this kind of boy who respects her. Some boys or girls get angry with him/her after rejecting proposal and sometimes do something to harm own self, please do not this kind of anything because they also have their personal life and in their personal life nobody can interfere so my dear boys or girls respect your partner and also respect your partner’s decision.  

2.       Make friendship trusted

Every love or relationship starts with friendship. If your friendship is trusted then your relationship is also made trust full but first, you make your friendship trusted. If your partner makes trust on you then he/she listen to you and thinking about you because they trust you. When your friendship is trusted then another 3rd person can’t break your relation or friendship.

3.       Make feel special

Everyone wants to someone make feel special to him/her. This is important tips for one-sided lovers, if you love someone then make feel special and try to make happy them always. If you make happy him/her then they realize that he/she are an important person in his/her life, so make feel special and make always happy.

4.       Share your life with him/her

In life you have to trust many people and you also share your personal or professional life with them. If you want to make someone your life partner then first of make trusted relationship between you and them as I said and share each and everything about your life like any problem you face, some joyful experience, etc…if you share your life with him/her then they think about their important role in your life.

5.       Help him/her in problems

If your partner is face any kind of problem then first action form you are taking out him/her in the problem. A human being is always like helping nature. It leaves a positive effect on your partner.

6.       Be honest

As I said early trust is the main factor in any kind of relationship, that for make trust in relation. Share your life or any other thing about you honestly, if you have some negative point or positive point, share both of with your partner. Sometimes your partner is disappointed with you but I am sure they as soon realize your honesty. So be a honest in relationship. 

7.       Important tip

Now I will share an important tip for purpose him/her. If you love truly your partner then never lie in your relationship and do purpose face to face not on any social media. If you purpose face to face your partner then you have to more chances to get the positive response so take your time and prepare your mind for face to face purpose


So my friends, first of thank you for reading my article. it’s my personal tips to purpose him/her. And the last thing I want to say if you purpose your partner then you just express your feeling for him/her. They have a personal life and their personal choice, you cannot control their personal things so always respect their decision. if you like this then you can subscribe to us and share this post to your friends to help them. Thank you.
